Wednesday 24 September 2008

I feel special!

I've always liked that Dickiebo. He's awarded me an award. Thank you!

I think I should pass on the compliment. A new blog I've checked out looks very promising. I don't think I'll issue an award on the basis of one (so far) post, but suggest you pop over there and offer encouragement to the newbie.

seems to have received every award available already but lo and behold not this one so I'll choose her. Apart from the fact she's a great writer (she literally IS a writer, unlike us amateurs) she's such a faithful and gracious commenter, I love her. And Jay can have one too - I like her sense of humour and she posts beautiful pictures of God's creation (usually the bit of creation she focusses on is - well see for yourself!)

That'll have to do for now. Not because I don't admire any other blogs - I'd hardly have added so many to my blogroll if that were true - but because some children want their tea. Feed the hungry 'n' all that.


Billie Greenwood said...

I agree Ruth is wonderful. Congratulations on your award! I especially enjoy your posts on your ministry (tho I don't comment as regularly as Ruth does.) Thanks for sharing the perspective from prison with us.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how sweet of you! Thank you so much!!

I really need to put up a page where I can post my trophies for other people to see and me to gloat over! LOL!

Thank you - I'm touched, and honoured!

I visit Ruth often, and I agree - she is wonderful and fully deserves this one!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Congratulaitons on receiving this award

And thank you so much for passing it on. I'm very touched.

I'll post this in a day or so.

AnneDroid said...

Border Explorer, thanks. I love to talk about prison work and can talk for hours on end about it! I have to be a bit circumspect, especially on t'internet though in case of passing tabloid journalists!

Jay and RHC, you're extremely welcome.