Tesco is finished with Christmas and on to Easter. This was the end of one aisle today - I was so amazed, I surreptitiously took a photo with my phone.
Christians often argue that Easter is the other side of Christmas, theologically. Two sides of the one coin. Indivisible from one another. Incarnation and salvation are entwined.
That's all very well, but I'm just not ready to see Easter egg displays, even if it's still just the little creme eggs rather than the big boys. After all, we haven't eaten all the selection boxes yet.
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1 week ago
All I can think is that those creme eggs are going to taste awfully stale by Easter!
wow. that is just wrong. If I see that here, I think I might just cry.
LOL...here in Canada we have gone from Christmas to St. Valentine's day...oxoxoxoxo;) Easter will surely be right after that no doubt! Do you celebrate Valentine's Day there? Retail is missing out otherwise...
Oh My! Sweet anything right now makes my belly ache! Maybe these are last years Easter treats and they want the revenue for 2008! Stale they'd be for sure come Easter!
Misti Pearl, Valentine's Day stuff will be out soon, too.
All of you, I'm glad I'm not alone in my discomfort with Easter starting in December...
Geeezz, You got me beat here in Washington State US. I also just wanted to drop you a note I've been reading your blog for some months now. And have inspired me to work in law enforcement. I am in the process of trying for county correction officer. I am now a canidate to do so. The process is long and a lot of testing they will know me inside and out when this process is over. Thank you . Peace
Hey Mignon
How exciting. I read your blog this morning - what a long and arduous process you have to go through for the job! Yikes! I pray it all works out really well. God bless you.
Good grief...they've skipped Valentine's Day and gone straight to Easter?? Do people really buy Easter candy 4 months early???
Why does that not surpise me. I wonder if any of those eggs would still have a valid best before date come Easter?
PS Just recently found your blog and I am really enjoying it.
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